June 6 2017

13 Things No One Tells You About Trampolines


Trampolines are loads of fun. We all know that! But, did you know that astronauts train on trampolines? Or that they can help develop better coordination and stronger bones? Or that they can be used to help with learning?

Check out these 13 fun facts that no one tells you about trampolines!

1 - Trampolines In Space

Okay, not really. BUT the trampoline was originally used to train astronauts headed to space. After a while they got so popular that now you see them in gardens EVERYWHERE!

2 - Co-ordination Boost

The combination of jumping high, maintaining balance and concentrating on executing the move will help to improve your motor skills and co-ordination 每 all in one go.

3 - Stronger Bones

The repetitive action of jumping improves bone mineral content and builds the musculoskeletal system. Each landing from a jump is double the force of gravity, which develops muscle strength over time and prevents bone diseases such as osteoporosis.

4 - Get a Workout in Just 10 Minutes

NASA found 10 minutes of jumping on a trampoline is equal to going on a 30 minute run. And it*s so much more fun if you ask us! Imagine hitting your fitness goals in less time and right in your back garden. We know, it*s amazing right?!

5 - Low Impact Exercise

Trampolining is a low impact exercise. A jumper*s vertical acceleration and deceleration is absorbed by the trampoline mat, taking up to 80% of the shock. In comparison, hard surfaces like roads have no ※give§. Trampolining protects your joints while exercising your muscles.

6 - Mental Health

Keeping active makes you feel happy, positive and self-confident. It gets your endorphins, the positive mood enhancing chemicals pumping whilst your jumping. Throw in the fun factor of being on a trampoline and you have the perfect formula for a healthier, happy life!

7 - Heart Health

Increasing your heart rate with 10 minutes of jumping a day will strengthen the muscles that are needed for a healthy cardiovascular system. If a happy heart isn*t a good reason to bounce, we don*t know what is!

8 - Jump and Learn

Studies show that regular physical activity supports child brain development by improving memory, concentration, and positive outlook. Researchers have even found that kids who ran for 15-45 minutes before school were less distracted and more attentive to schoolwork. Let kids jump on the trampoline for 10 minutes in the morning before school. Jumping will wake up their mind and body, and get them ready for learning.

9 - Trampolines CAN Be Used Safely

Just like you wear bike helmets and have rules for swimming pools, you should have rules for safe trampoline play. We highly recommend following these five safe jumping rules to make your jump time even safer:

No Flips: Untrained jumpers can land on their head and neck, causing serious injury.

One at a Time: Having a single jumper eliminates the chance of collisions and injuries. And NEVER DOUBLE-BOUNCE!

Supervise Jumping: A responsible adult should keep an eye on the jumper.

Safe Clearance: Keep enough space around the trampoline (we recommend a minimum of 3ft) to allow room for the net to flex out. It*s also important to have safe overhead clearance of 6m.

Keep it Locked: Zip the net when the trampoline is not being used will keep unwanted jumpers away.

10 - Not All Trampolines Are The Same

No, all trampolines are not the same and they are not all equal. Trampolines come in many different sizes 每 large, medium, small 每 and different shapes 每 circle, square, oval. And not just that, there are different types of trampolines 每 springless trampolines, spring-based trampolines and fitness trampolines. You have lots of options to find the best trampoline for you and your family.

11 - Trampolines Aren*t Just For Kids

Kids love trampolines, but they are just as much fun for adults too! It*s a great stress buster and an outdoor activity for the whole family to do together. Set family challenges for the most jumps or seat drops in one minute 每 and now with the addition of Tgoma there are even more ways to get everyone together for some family fun.

12 - Jump All Winter

Even though it*s cold outside you can still enjoy your Springfree trampoline. All the engineering and design that has been put into the development of Springfree means that you can leave it outside and enjoy jumping on it all year long, even in the rain and snow!

13 - More Than Jumping

Trampolines can be used for more than just jumping. If there*s one thing you can count on kids to do it*s using their imagination. Check out all the fun activities you can do on a trampoline without bouncing.
