March 1 2017

Q&A Casey Wooderson


Casey Wooderson, competitive waterskier and athlete, is a great role model for young people who want to live a healthy, active lifestyle and achieve success in their chosen sports. 

Casey achieved great results at the Under 17 Waterski World Championships, jumping into 6th place!

At just 17 years of age, Casey has already qualified for the Junior World Championships twice within her sporting career, and has also come first in the Under 17 Nationals.

As proud sponsors and supporters of Casey, we caught up with the rising star after her recent success at the World Championships, to chat about her sport, life and what the future holds.

Casey Wooderson - competitive waterskier

Congratulations on your results at the Under 17 World Championships! And for your awesome results in the Asia and Oceania Championships! Can you talk us through what was going through your head in the lead-up?

The lead-up to Worlds was both stressful and fun. My main thought was to not think about the other competitors and focus more on myself and what I have to do. This enabled me to become more confident in my skiing, both on and off the water.

What are your proudest achievements so far?

My proudest achievements would have to be representing Australia multiple times, going to the Junior Worlds twice and coming first in Under 17 at Nationals.

What¡¯s next for you?

My next comps are Australia vs New Zealand which is in a few weeks, then after is Nationals where I will be in open women's for the first time.

You¡¯ve already achieved so much ¨C what are your next big goals?

My next big goals are to make it through year 12 whilst still being able to waterski. I¡¯m also hoping to win my next two comps, coming away with gold.

Casey Wooderson - Springfree Ambassador

We¡¯re all about leading a healthy, active life ¨C what do you do to keep healthy and active?

Being a waterskier also involves a lot of off-water training, which for me is eating healthy and doing gym three to four times a week. When I¡¯m not going to the gym I¡¯m working on my fitness by going mountain biking, jogging and of course jumping on my Springfree Trampoline.

Can you talk us through your training schedule?

At the moment my training schedule has to be revolved around finishing school. Mondays, Thursdays and Fridays I head down to Port Macquarie after school finishes, to keep my ski fitness up.

We¡¯re also big about safety ¨C how important is safety to you in training?

Safety is very important in my training, without it many injuries could occur. I try not to over-work myself; having days off allows me to continue achieving my best without any injuries.

Does your Springfree come into play much in your training?

My Springfree Trampoline comes into play all the time. It allows me to get my fitness up, whilst also being able to safely practice flips for my trick skiing event.

How do you stay motivated?

Learning how to stay motivated isn¡¯t very easy, I have been through my ups and downs a lot, but I have finally figured out that in staying motivated you need to have a lot of passion for what you do, and the love that comes from your family plays a big part as well.

Casey Wooderson - Waterskiing

At what age did you discover you wanted to take your sport to a professional level?

About three years ago, when I first discovered I was on the team for my first ever Junior Worlds in Peru.

What/who has contributed to your success?

Mum, Dad and my whole family have played major roles in my success in this sport. Springfree has also helped me out a lot as well.
