Sep 17 2013

I Love Springfree Trampoline

We love hearing from our fans, and this note really stood out to us so we thought we'd share this testimonial from 10 year old Charlotte!

Charlotte, 10, Brooklin, Ontario

My Springfree trampoline is great for so many different reasons; it’s the best combination, safe and fun! I will tell you everything... first, I like the flexi-net because it’s really flexible and won’t rip, plus, you can’t hit your head on the poles like on other trampolines! Next, I like the Springfree feature, no springs to get your leg caught in anymore!! It’s good there isn’t a metal frame because I can’t hit my head and hurt myself. My sister and I love our trampoline and we play on it all the time! My sister and I sometimes even read and play board games on it, and not only that but I love to chalk and cartwheel on it. In the summer it’s super fun to put the sprinkler under it! At my 10th birthday party, my friends and I brought out sleeping bags and pillows and slept on the trampoline! Springfree trampolines are the best!

And that’s why I love my Springfree trampoline!

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